Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

Short Funcional Texts

Simple short functional verbal text accurately, fluently, and thankful to interact with the surrounding environment
Short Funcional Texts: Announcements, Messages, and Invitations
·         Announcement
An announcement is something that someone says officially, giving information about something.
Attention, please.
To celebrate our Independence Days, we will hold a singing contest. Enrol yourselves and prepare for the contest. Vocal groups may also join the contest. Show your talent!
·         Messages
A message is a piece of infomation that we send to somebody or leave for somebody when we can’t speak to them ourselves.
Mom, Adil and I are going to the internet cafe. We need to get some data for our school work. We have cleaned the house and watered the flowers. We also have fed the pets. We will arrive home before dinner.
·         Invitation
An invitation is a request to somebody to do something or go somewhere.

Dear friends,

We, as members of the drama extracurricular club, invite all of you to see our grand performance of the year. It will be held on Tuesday night, August 20, 2013 at 7 p.m. The performance is a drama of the story ‘Alice in teh Wonderland’. We are sure that the performance will entertain you. You will fill the English classic by watching the drama. And don’t worry, it is free. So, don’t miss it.

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