Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

Expressing of Asking, Giving and Refusing Something

  • Asking something:

-          Would you give me the magazine?
-          Would you lend me your story book?
-          Can you pass the book, please?
  • Giving something:

-          Here you are.
-          Sure.                                       
  • Refusing something:

-          Sorry, I need it.
-          Sorry I can’t.

The prince : Would you like a glass of orange juice?
Cinderella  : Mm ... Why not? I like orange juice.
The prince : Now ... It’s time to dance. Would you like dancing with me?
Cinderella  : I’d love to.
The clock   : Ding dong ding dong ...
Cinderella  : Ouch! It’s time to go now.  
The prince : Don’t leave me dear!
Cinderella  : Sorry, sorry I can’t.

The prince : Ouch! I love you, dear.

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