Rabu, 24 September 2014


Lecturer: Citra Kusumaningsih, M. Pd

Members of the Group:
v  Fitria                         
v  Veronika Liyanti
v  Yustina Meri
Class                            :           A Afternoon
Semester                      :           V
Study Program            :           English Program Study




A.    Media Computer
The computer is a type of virtual media can provide immediate response to the outcomes of learning undertaken by students. More than that, the computer has the ability to store and manipulate information according to need. The rapid development of technology today has allowed the computer to load and display various forms of media. In this case Heinich, Molenda, & Russell (1996: 228) argues that: "... It has ability to control and integrate a wide variety of media - still pictures, graphics and moving images, as well as printed information. The computer can also record, analyze, and react to student responses that are typed on a keyboard or selected with a mouse ".
Computer-based instructional media is one medium of learning by using computer presentation. Ways to produce or deliver the subject matter based sources micropocessor. Manner of presentation is influenced by the capabilities of the media used. Computers have the ability to present an interactive learning process (Arsyad, 2002: 97).
Based on expert opinion, we can conclude that the material presented is packaged in a material particular by a computer program.
Romiszowski (1974: 260-261) states that "the use of computers in education is increasing, not only as an aid to the administration of education, but also as a presentation medium, computers are already being used to present many programs of a Simpler construction "means that the increased use of computers in learning, not only as a tool for implementing the learning, but also as a media presentation. Based on the explanation of these experts can be concluded that the medium of computer-based learning is a learning tool that can be used individually or together. Learning in question is studied with the help of a computer. The use of computers in the learning activities aimed to improve cognitive ability, psychomotor, and affective.
Gerrald (1967: 14) argues that "another general future of computer-based instruction is the development of curiculum materials". Based on this claim stated that the general features of computer-based media is a material that comes from the curriculum. Making learning by using computer media should pay attention to the learning curriculum that is applicable. The material is the most important element in the creation of a medium.
Current computer technology is no longer just used as a means of computing and word processing (word processor) but also as a multi-media learning tool that allows students to make a concept design and engineering and science. Computer-based multimedia presentation can be interpreted as a technology that optimizes the role of the computer as a means to display and manipulate text, graphics, and sound in an integrated view. With a view that can combine various elements to deliver information and messages, the computer can be designed and used as a medium for effective technology for learning and teaching learning materials relevant example of graphic design and animation.
Multimedia-based computer can also be used as a tool in conducting a simulation to train specific skills and competencies. For example, the use of aircraft cockpit simulators that allow learners in flight academy may practice without the risk of falling. Another example of the use of computer-based multimedia is multimedia display in the form of animation that allows students majoring in exact sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics experiment without having to be in the laboratory.
The development of computer technology today has formed a network (network) that can provide the possibility for students to interact with learning resources extensively. Computer networks such as the Internet and the web has opened up access for everyone to obtain the latest information and knowledge in a specific academic field. Scientific discussion and interaction made ​​possible through the availability of the internet and web facilities in schools.
The use of the internet and the web are not only able to provide a positive contribution to the academic activities of the students but also for teachers. Internet and the web can provide the possibility for teachers to gather information and knowledge in the subject area as guide field. Through the use of the internet and the web, the teacher will always be ready to teach cutting-edge science to students. This of course requires that teacher's own ability to always enterprising access websites in their area of ​​expertise. This is in line with the definition Pannen (2003) on media and learning technologies in schools in a broad sense that includes hardware (hardware), software (software), and human resources (humanware) which can be used to enrich the learning experience of students.
B.     Forms of Computer Media
The media has a function as a learning tool for the teacher to clarify the message. Media also works for individual learning where media position fully serve the needs of students studying (patterns of media). Several forms of computer use media that can be used in the study include:
1.      Use of Multimedia Presentations.
Multimedia presentations are used to describe materials that are theoretical, used in classical learning with group learning quite a lot over 50 people. This media is quite effective because it uses a multimedia projector that has a transmission range is quite large. The advantages of this medium is to combine all the elements of media such as text, video, animation, images, graphics, and sound into a single presentation, so that in accordance with the modalities to accommodate student learning. The program can accommodate students who have a type of visual, auditory and kinesthetic. This is supported by the hardware technology that is developed over time, has contributed greatly to the presentation activities. Current technology in the field of computer engineering obviate presentation tool in the past. The use of software designers such as Microsoft power point presentation developed by Microsoft Inc. "Corel presentation developed by Coral inc" to latest developments developed software Macromedia Inc., which develops many types of software to support these interests.
Various software enabling multimedia presentation is packaged in a very dynamic and interesting. The development of software is supported by the development of a number of the supporting hardware. One of the products the most influence in the preparation of presentation materials is the development of the digital current monitor, video card, audio card as well as the development of a digital projector (projector digitalimage) that enables the presentation material can be presented digitally to a variety of interests in a variety of conditions and situations , as well as the size of the space and the various characteristics of the audience. Of course this led to major changes in trendmetode presentation today, and can be used to teach Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Presentation material processing using a computer is not only to be presented by using a digital presentation in the form of Multimedia projectors (such as LCD, In-Focus and the like), but can also be presented through other projection equipment, such as over-head projector (OHP) and the film projector slides which had already produced. So the agency or agencies that do not have the digital presentation tools but have had these two devices, can take advantage of the processing material through a computer presentation to the fullest. In the viewpoint of the learning process, the presentation is one of the teaching methods. Its use that occupy the highest frequency compared with other methods. Various tools are developed, has given a very bazaar effect not just on the development of practical activities in the presentation of learning activities but also on the underlying theories. Recent developments in the field of presentation with computer tools have led to changes in the demands of organized learning. Among other demands on capacity building and skills of teachers in the process of learning materials into a computer-based media presentation.
2.      CD/ Interactive Multimedia
Interactive CD can be used at school because learning is quite effective in improving student learning outcomes, especially computers. There are two terms in the development of this interactive CD is Computer Based Instructuion (CBI) and Computer Assisted Instructuion (CAI) interactive nature of this medium in addition there are also multi-media elements of the media that covers the full sound, animation, video, text and graphics. Some interactive multimedia models include:
·         Drill Model: Model drills in CBI basically strategy learning is one that aims to provide a more concrete learning experience through imitations created shape approaching experience the real atmosphere.
·         Model Tutorial: CBI tutorial program in a learning program that is used in the learning process by using software such as computer programs that contain subject matter. CAI tutorial method in pattern basically followed the teaching program Branching type of information / subjects are presented in the unit - a small unit, then followed with a question. Student responses were analyzed by a computer (compared with the integrated response by the author of the program) and the correct feedback given. (Nana Sudjana & Ahmad Rival: 139). The program also requires students to apply their knowledge and ideas directly in the learning activities.
·         Simulation Models: Model simulation of the CBI is basically one starategi learning aims to provide a more concrete learning experience through imitations penciptan shape approaching experience the real atmosphere.
·         Model Games: The model was developed based on the game "fun learning", where learners will be exposed to some of the instructions and rules of the game. In the context of learning is often referred to as Instructional Games (Eleanor.L Criswell, 1989: 20)
In general, the type of representation that is widely used is the "tutorial". These tutorials guide students thoroughly master the material quickly and interesting. Each student mastery of the material is likely to have differences depending on its capabilities. The use of interactive CD tutorial through more effective to teach mastery Softwarekepada teach students compared with hardware. For example tutorials Microsoft Office Word, Access, Excel, and Power Point. Another advantage of this interactive CD is students can study independently, should not depend on the teacher / instructor. Students can start learning at any time and may terminate in accordance with his wishes. In addition, the material taught in the CD can be directly practiced by students against siftwaretersebut. There is also a repeat function, useful to repeat the material repeatedly for thorough mastery.
3.      Video Learning.
In addition to interactive CDs, videos including media that can be used for learning in elementary school. This video is interactive-tutorial guide students to understand the material through a visualization. Students can also interactively follow the appropriate practice activities that are taught in the video. The use of an interactive CD on the SD suitable for teaching a process. For example, how pollination on collision, grafting techniques, cell division, respiration and others.
4.       Internet
Internet, stands interconection and networking, is a global information network, namely, "the largest states global network of computers, that enables people throughout the world to connect with each other. Internet was first launched by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in August 1962.
Use of the Internet as a learning medium to condition students to learn independently. "Through independent study, students Become doers, as well as thinkers" (Cobine, 1997). The students can access them online from various libraries, museums, databases, and obtain a primary source of historical events, biographies, records, reports, statistical data, (draperies et. Al., 1995). Information provided server-computers that can be derived from commercial businesses (com), goverment services (Gov), nonprofit organizations (Org), educational institutions (edu), or artistic and cultural groups (.arts)
C.     Example of Teaching Media Based on Computer

D.    Conclusion
Students can play a role as a researcher, being an analyst, not just consumers of information only. They analyze information relevant to learning and conduct searches in accordance with real life (real life). Students and teachers do not need to be physically present in the classroom (classroom meetings), because students can learn the teaching materials and learning tasks as well as the test by accessing the computer network that has been established online. Students can learn to work together (collaborative) with each other. They can send each other e-mail (electronic mail) to discuss teaching materials. In addition to learning tasks and answer the questions that the teacher students can communicate with their classmates.


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