Rabu, 24 September 2014

Discussion of the Result of the Study

Written by:
Adil Riyana
Siti Teriyani
Veronika Liyanti

I.                   Definition of Discussion

Girlstrap and Martin (1975) in Modjiono (1992) method of discussion is an activity in which a number of people talking together through a brainstorm about a topic or problem, or to find an answer to a problem based on all the facts that allow for it.
According to the Department of Education (1986) Methods Discussion interpreted as a way of mastering content through brainstorming vehicle based on knowledge and experience gained in order to solve a problem.
According to Shah defines that the method of discussion is . " The method of teaching is very closely related to problem solving (problem solving ) . This method is commonly called discussion groups ( group discussion ) . Recitation with (social recitation ) . "
According to Joseph Tayar , " discussion method is one way of presenting the right learning materials through a thorough inspection process with a particular problem with the way exchange ideas , argue argue and scrutinize the relationships contained therein . "
Discussion method is seen as one of the most effective teaching methods for small groups , in particular to learn complex skills such as critical thinking , problem solving and personal commentary , discussion method of learning to implement the exchange of ideas , facts and opinions among students , making the learning environment more dynamic .
So, it can be concluded that the method of discussion is an activity in which a number of people to exchange opinions and information based on knowledge and experience gained to research and solve a problem .
II.                Types of Discussion

A.     Types of discussion
The types of discussions by Hasibuan (1985), namely:
1.      Whole group
Class is a group discussion. Whole group ideal if the amount of no more than 15 people.
2.      Buzz group
One large group was divided into several small groups, consisting of 4-5 people. The place is set so that students can face to face and exchange ideas with ease.

3.      Panel
A small group, usually 3-6 people, discussing a particular subject, sitting in a semi-circular arrangement, led by a moderator.
4.      Sundicate group
One small group (class) divided into groups consisting of 3-6 people. Each small group carry out a specific task. The teacher explains to the class outline problems; she describes aspects of the problem, and then each group (syndicate) was given the task to study a particular aspect. Teachers provide references or other information sources.
5.      Brain Storming group
Groups contribute new ideas without being judged immediately . Each member of the group issued its opinion .
6.      Symposium
Some people discuss about berbnagai aspects of a particular subject , and read in advance symposium participants briefly ( 5-20 minutes ) . This was followed by a rebuttal and questions from the buffer , and also of the listener . Discussion and refutation was subsequently formulated by the drafting committee as a result of the symposium .
7.      Informal debate
The class is divided into two equal teams somewhat , and discuss a suitable subject for debate without regard to the normal rules of debate . Materials suitable for the debate is that is problematic , not the actual character .
8.      Colloquium
Someone or some people human resources to answer questions from the audience . In the teaching and learning activities , the student or students interviewed human resource , then invite other or additional questions from students or other students . Expected learning outcomes is the student or students will gain first-hand knowledge .
9.      Fish bowl
Some of the participants led by a chair holding a discussion to take a decision . The seating is arranged is a semi- circle with two or three empty seats facing the participants. Groups of listeners sitting around group discussions , as if seeing fish that are in a bowl ( fish bowl ) .

B.     Characteristics of Discussion
1.       Involve about 3 to 9 participants in each group.
2.      Takes place on an informal basis, meaning that all members of each group had the opportunity to see, hear, and communicate freely and directly.
3.      Having a purpose that binds members of the group so happens cooperation to achieve it.
4.      Takes place according to regular and systematic process toward the achievement of group goals.

C.     Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussion.
The advantages of the method of discussion :
Gilstrap and Martin ( 1975) in Modjiono (1992 ) discussion of the method has several advantages . The advantages of the method of discussion as follows :
1.      This method provides an opportunity for students to participate directly , either as a participant , group leader , or compiler discussion questions . This direct participation allows for intellectual engagement , social - emotional , mental and the rest of the learning process.
2.      This method is able to increase the likelihood of critical thinking , democratic participation , develop attitudes , motivation , and ability extemporaneous speaking .
3.      This method provides an opportunity for students to understand the need to give and receive ( take and give ) , so that students can understand and prepare themselves as democratic citizens .
4.      This method benefits the students who are weak in problem solving by groups , usually more precise than the individual .
5.      This method provides an opportunity for students to test , change , and develop the views , values ​​, and decisions were shown faults through careful observation and consideration of the group .

The disadvantages of discussion:

Gilstrap and Martin (1975) in Modjiono (1992) discussion of the method has drawbacks. The disadvantage in the discussion mentioned as follows:
1.      Result of unpredictable discussion method, although it has been carefully arranged.
2.      This method is less efficient in the use of time and need the tables and chairs are easy to set up.
3.      This method does not guarantee a settlement, even if the group agrees or make a deal at the end of the meeting, because the decision reached is not necessarily performed.
4.      This method is often dominated by one or several members of the discussion, and causes people not interested in just as a spectator.
5.      This method requires a discussion of the ability of the participants, so that activists could participate in the discussion. The ability of this discussion will only be owned by a person if learned and practiced.

D.     Case Example
Written by: Arinda Putri Ekawati
This Research are performed based on the condition of teaching and learning process in the school that showed the low of students activity in studying history class. The indicator of this learning and studying problem are showed in the condition when students just became the object of the teacher in the class. Students took the little part whom just listening and writing the explanation of the teacher. The creativity of teacher in the teaching method are needed to solve this learning problem. The formulation problem of this research is “How to application of group discussion method for grow up studying activity of student at class XI Social Programme 3 Pasundan 1 Cianjur Senior High School?”. This research tried to implementing the group discussion method as the alternative way in the studying method that gives the spaces for students to participating their selves actively in the learning and teaching process. The students were directed to search the source of learning, to discuss and to interact the focus of problem in history (as subject) to one another (group by group) based on the references. For addition the studenst were motivated and facilitated to make the presentation, to report the process of presentation and to communicate in the (ask-answer session). This research used classroom action research method by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which had four phases (plan, action, observe, and reflect). The phases are continued by the cycles until the main purpose of this research to growing up the activity of student in studying history were fulfilled. The result of this research showed that the students learning and studying activity (in history subject) of second Class (XI Social Programme 3) at Pasundan 1 Cianjur Senior High School grew up significantly.

III.             Conclusion
Discussion method is a method of learning that is commonly used by a teacher to attract student interest and get better results in the active process . In the discussion method of learning will involve approximately 3-9 students , where the students will interact and exchange ideas directly to solve a problem . By using the method of discussion the student will be easier to understand and comprehend what is being learned.
The learning method is very influential on the results learning . Either method will produce good results , as well as what if the articles used method is not appropriate then it will result in poor value . Therefore, the learning outcomes are very depend with the method used by the teacher . The method we use must be easily understood by the students and make students feel comfortable in the learning process without any burden that they feel . So Go ahead and create a comfortable atmosphere in the learning process so that students can grasp what we deliver well .


Anugerah, H. [Online]. At: http://hindyanugerah.blogspot.com/2011/04/pengertian-metode-diskusi.html

Jumairia, S. [Online]. At: http://sitijumairiapgmi.blogspot.com/2010/07/keterampilan-membimbing-diskusi.html

Ekawati, A. P. [Online]. At: http://jurnal.upi.edu/penelitian-pendidikan/view/2347/

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