Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Autobiografi Orang Lain

Autobiografi Finny Anita

Finny Anita is the name of a college lecturer  who a lecturer in STKIP PGRI PTK has now been turned into IKIP PGRI PTK  since 2008. Apin, she was usually called, because it is a name often used at home. Apin is the name like Upin and Ipin cartoon so she says. she was born in the city of Pontianak, February 21, 1980 at the maternity hospital which has now been turned into a hospital Antonius and now 34 years old. she was the fifth child of six children, one sister and four brothers. The first sister named Vivi Yulita, second brothers is Sutami Monti, a third brothers is Dedi Cahyadi, then her fourth brothers is Remi Suhaimi, and the last one is Sandi Iswandi. Her father and mother name is Sabran Abdullah and Anna Ratna. SHe had a mixed blood of her father from Landak and Singkawang china from her mother. July 2010 she was married with a man who called the Suapri Effendi and have a child, his name is Zaiman Abdulah Amirul Akra so long name or usually called Akra, had age 1 year 4 months 2 weeks. Live in Pontianak, street Penjara or KH. Wahid Hasim gg. Ambotim no. 68, living there have been about 32 or 34 years, so many memories for so long that she had experienced.
When the age of about 4 years Apin have had experience that she'll never forget. This experience happened when she felled from her bed resulting in a broken right hand. she went sinsang or can be referred to as someone who can restore the position of the broken bone. so her hand had a straight back. other than that as for other interesting experiences was when her first child, Akra, was born into the world.
In 1985 she started her education at this level in the kindergarten Kemala Bayangkari street KH. Dahlan. After she finished off starting in kindergarten and got certificate. She further education in elementary school Min Teladan Bawang Mai. After she finished the elementary school level and got her certificate. she extended to higher level that is in junior high school, he attended school at junior high school level in SMP Negeri 1 Pontianak, which are on the way Urip. In junior high gain knowledge this is for 3 years. As time passed for 3 years she completed her education and obtain her certificate . Then resumed the next level namely SMA Negeri 2 in street Marta Dinata, located in the Jeruju. she was wearing the uniform of a school and studying for 3 years. After she completed her high school education and received their scrolls, she stopped for 2 years. Then continued her education back in the Universitas FKIP UNTAN. S1 degree it got wrestle and she started her profession as a teacher. Several years she has taught in SMK Rahadi Usman for 2 months, 3 months in TK Bina Sari, SD Min Teladan funds for 2 years. afterward she pursue her studies at the levels of S2 in UMS Solo. Until now her proffesion is a lecturer in  IKIP PGRI Pontianak.
Already five years she served as a lecturer. Being a lecturer, she never felt difficulties in her work. she felt enjoy and happy, although sometimes there are some things such as the difficulty to obtain teaching materials due to lack of English language books and information about English. In every job must have felt bored or saturated. in this situation she take herself to watch her favorite movies like Indian movies, and also surf on social media like Facebook, then BBM and gossiping with other lecturers.
In addition, she also coined the very interesting hobbies like reading fiction, short stories, and read the others books. Besides having a hobby that rarely possessed by humans. Sometimes she also spent time to culinary with friends and son, seeing the beauty of the city as in the round about UNTAN or Korem, and also around the city of Pontianak.